Feedback Thoughts


Image from Flickr

    I think feedback is absolutely crucial, both positive feedback and constructive criticism. One will make mistakes; it's a part of life, that's how people learn. I understand it's scary. There's this fear that settled in me somehow as I grew up, fear of making mistakes. There were things I wanted to start, things I wanted to experiment with, and things that I wanted to continue learning- this fear made me never start and even quit the things I was doing. These days I am trying to step out of my comfort zone. I have started doing things I wanted to do but thought that I am "too late to start." It's never really too late to start. 
The two articles I read were: 
  • Make Good Art: Neil Gaiman’s Advice on the Creative Life: I loved reading this. I even watched the video that was attached. It made me so happy. It was very uplifting. I do agree with what he says about making mistakes. It is hard to follow through sometimes, but I absolutely understand how important making mistakes is. I also loved his quote about making art. "Writing things you want to do and then doing them" is what I want to take away from his video. It is harder than it sounds, but I don't wouldn't want it any other way.   
  • Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head: This was a very informative article. For someone who does let the negative words bother them, it was nice knowing that I am not the only one who feels this way. It was also very nice to have given a plan to overcome this weakness. I would really like to follow the given points, and I believe that they could be really beneficial. 


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