Reading Notes: Karmic Revolution, Part A


Image: Bhishma's Oath 
Source: Wikimedia 

Reading Notes:

  • I was not really drawn to Bhishma when I first read his story. I also saw him in a bad light for what he did to Amba. However, watching Epified's video made me realize how powerful his oath was, and what he did for his father was definitely not easy. 
  • In the Tiny Tales' version, Bhishma's name was given to him by the gods. In the videos, his father, King Shantanu, gave him the name Bhisma.
  • I still feel very angry about the kidnapping of Amba, Ambika, and Ambalika. What Bhisma did was wrong. Why did he have to kidnap all three princesses? Why not just one if he had to? Nevertheless, I am enjoying the fact that Bhisma is a grey character with good and bad parts. I am also noticing that good or bad is relative. If you look at the happenings from Bhishma's eyes, his deeds do not come off as so wrong, but still questionable nonetheless. 
  • I just feel Satyavati is such a selfish character. She said nothing to stop her father and was pretty okay with Bhisma taking the oath when it came to her offsprings. After her sons' deaths, she wanted Bhishma to break his oath?! Like- lady, how selfish are you going to be? Also, the fact that she hid the truth about her firstborn comes off as pretty sketchy. 
  • It is baffling to me that consent is not really a thing. Vyasa was called upon by his mother, but Ambalika and Ambika were not okay with him. 
  • Vidura is someone I would like to explore more! 


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